Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Leaves and watercolors

I needed to make a quick get well card today. As I walked home from getting the mail, I picked up some leaves. I used the backs of them to stamp with watercolors and created this card.

Adding this to SimonSays Wednesday challenge of no designer paper.

Thank you for stopping by! I hope this has inpsired you!

Friday, September 25, 2015

No Designer Paper

SimonsSays Wednesday challenge is no designer paper! No Problem! I made a card using my Arnold Grummer Paper Making Kit! I have just started making paper and I am here to tell you it is easy and fun! For this card I even added a flower I dried using my MicroFleur Flower Press. Stamping provided the finishing touches. Quick, easy and I used recycled paper!

Adding this to SimonSays. Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I am thrilled to be Guest Blogging

I am thrilled to be Guest Blogging today over at Irreversibly Moi. Sue has a wonderful blog offering insight and information about life meeting art! This is a great place to go to learn techniques, get inspiration, as well as tips for art journaling. Sue offers kits and classes!

Here is a link to her blog. I would love for you to visit!

Making and Creating with Recycled paper

Thank you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stamping and Watercolor

I am learning to use my watercolor pens and stamps to create new looks! I was fortunate enough to win a seat in Watercolor For Card Makers.

My inspiration came from Magazine Mondays at PCC. I am ready for fall. Already leaves are beginning to turn and fall on my street.

This morning I played with backgrounds and painting embossed images. My greens and yellows are from the inspiration.

I am entering this in Simonssays Monday Challenge to use a stamp.

I am looking forward to the next lesson in this class.

Thank you for visiting and know that I appreciate your kind words!

Fun fact:  Autumn babies, or those born between September and November, are more likely to live to 100 than those who were born in other times of the year.

Monday, September 21, 2015

My Scraps and More Sketch 114

It is time for another new My Scraps and More  Sketch!

Here is my take
This is for my daughter and son in  law's first anniversary! Can you believe the wedding was a year ago on September 6th! Where has that year gone! So happy for them!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Magazine Monday #117

It has been a few weeks since I played along with Magazine Mondays over at PCC.

Here are the inspirational covers

And here is my card

 I had a cute tiny Unity Stamp which I colored and cut out! Added some layers and thread. 

Thanks for stopping by!!

Thank you

Each and every time I win a prize, I send a thank you. I always use the product I won to make the card. I won a gift card from DieNamites and here is the card I made using one of the dies.

I tried something different and inlaid it. 

Adding this to Simons Says Wednesday Challenge to use dies.

I still been busy catching up from the art show and thinking ahead to the next one! 
Thank you for visiting! 

Fun Fact:  You cannot snore and dream at the same time.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Paper Making!

I am so pleased to announce that I am now a designer for Arnold Gummer 's Paper making

I cannot tell you how much fut it was to open the Paper making Kit and get started!

 I have been saving paper for months now! Everything from brown bags to newspaper, to fliers and junk mail including the envelopes. I am still learning and hope to share my experiences with you! 

I used my first paper for embellishments for this layout!

I would love for you to stop over at the Arnold Grummer Blog to see my psot as well as all the other fabulous porjects posted by the other design team members!

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Here is a small gallery of some of my most recent canvases!

If you are interested in purchasing, please email me for pricing:


Art in the Park

A month ago I joined a local art association. Still not sure my works should be included next to gorgeous watercolors or professional photographers but they were. Here is what my display looked like!
 And here is the gorgeous town setting where we were. I love the quiet river in the early morning.
 And here I am with my very first customer and sale! To say I was excited was an understatement!!

So at the end of the day, I sold 11 of the 19 pieces I brought. The most of anyone in our group! 

To all of my friends and family, both local and on line, I offer my humble thanks! Thank you for the encouragement, the belief in me even when i doubted myself. Thank you to all of the people who offered me compliments even if they did not buy anything. I appreciate feeling that what i created was worth it!!

So another show is planned ifor December which means I will be making more canvases!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Road Trip

My daughter has lived in Phoenix now for 7 years or so. I still get scared every time we get into the car. I cannot get comfortable with 6 lanes of traffic and so many cars all speeding around each other!

I used the newest sketch over at My Scraps and More Sketches  because it reminded me of roads.

Here is my layout. One photo shows the crazy roads in Phoenix and the other is as we headed north to the mountains where the road narrowed and traffic thinned. That was much more my speed.

I pulled out Pink Paislee Chipboard Arrows which have been hiding in my stash. I inked them up to better match the paper. 

I really have been too  busy to scrap much lately! I hope to remedy that next week and get a few scrappy projects done! 
Thanks for stopping by! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Do you have stuff you have never used? Hoarding papers and paints? Well this is the challenge for you!

I am joining the NBUS Challenge over at Darnell's blog.

It is really quite simple. The theme is anything goes and the rule is  you must use a NBUS item on your project!

I have been working on canvases for an upcoming show. I pulled out my brand new Acrylic Silks for this one, They are really fun to play with. Creamy and shiny. I painted and stamped with them. 

Adding this to SimonSays Stamptember Wednesday challenge to use a stamp! I used quite a few on this!

I appreciate your stopping by and thank you for your comments!


What is on my work desk Wednesday! On my work desk is a MESS! I am participating in my very first art show on Saturday!! I am finishing canvases, making business cards, labeling canvases and yes, enjoying a glass of wine! It was dinner time:)

Wish me luck!!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Beauty Is Not

Another canvas for the show. Such a wonderful quote! I had fun creating the background with stamps, stencils, lots of paint and ink!!

Adding this to CraftStamper September Take it Make It Challenge which is to use stamps!

Joining in with PaintPartyFriday

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your support and comments!


This is my first time joining in with WOYWW. What is that? It stands for What's on your workdesk Wednesday from the blog Stampingground

I have been making canvases and getting ready for the Art in the Park. Believe it or not, I cleaned my desk last week!!

I have a new canvas started and was waiting for it to dry. Going to be adding paper pumpkins and  to a mixed media background! As you can see, I am a messy worker. I leave everything out where I can put my hands on it. Guess I should get rid of this morning's cup of coffee sitting by the Mod Podge:) I previously posted some of the canvases I have made this week.  

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you will visit again!

Be sure to stop over

Be sure to stop over at Scrapbooking.com. I have a layout in the September issue. Last spring we had a wedding shower for my son's fiance. My mom was able to make the 2 1/2 hour trip for the party. I was able to catch a photo of her and my two children. Since it is out of focus, it is not the best technically, but I love the moment I captured.

Here is a sneak peek!

Fun fact: Ten percent of Grandparents have a tattoo!

Thank you for visiting today! I appreciate your support!

Thursday, September 3, 2015


I am busy creating for the Art in the Park show on September 12th. The Rogue River Artist's Association will have a booth as well as other local artists. I recently joined this group and will be displaying and, hopefully, selling canvases. Here is one of my latest ones -

Even though the temps are in the high 80's and 90, Fall is just right around the corner!

I ended up just painting the pumpkins and scrapped my original plan to make them from paper.

Adding this to Paint Party Friday. It is my first time linking up. I look forward to the inspiration that has been linked up there!

Fun fact:
  • Pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles and curing snake bites.

It seems I disappeared