Friday, July 31, 2020

Hot hot hot

Welcome from sunny and hot Phoenix!! They broke a record yesterday hitting 118! 

I have been completing lots of art projects —- with my 3 year old granddaughter.  We went outside and water painted using found items.  

Of course, as usual hers eventually turned into a finger painting. 

We also did a smoosh painting because she applied too much paint๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

Lots of messy fun here! 

Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Catching up

We were at the lake for a few days. Had fun boating, fishing and seeing my twin sister. 

This week is all about the butterfly! A couple of different ones. 

I was also inspired by a gorgeous sunset.

I am heading to spend a few weeks with the grandkids. I will bring my supplies but I may not have any time to use them. I might be too tired by the time I fall into bed:)

Thank you for visiting! Adding this to PaintPartyFriday. Please stop by there to see amazing art!

Friday, July 17, 2020

New Computer

My computer died a week an d a half ago so I have been anxiously awaiting the new one. Luckily my son is Tech Support so he got me all set up and I am now good to go. Luckily nothing was lost!

It has been a busy week as I continue to experiment and play. I have watched some wonderful Youtube videos which have helped me a lot. And I am now on a quest for a fun brush I saw which I think will help me a lot. It is referred to as a Cat Tongue.

And then something different - a watercolor goauche ATC for the theme destinations. This is Arizona where the grandkids are:)

Adding this to PaintPartyfriday. Please go there and visit the many wonderful artists! 

Wishing everyone a safe and healthy weekend!

Thank you for visiting. Your kind words mean the world to me.

Friday, July 10, 2020

End of the week

As I sit here listening to storms, I have realized it is the end of another week. The rain is a welcome change from the scorching heat we have been having in Michigan.

I have enjoyed some time this week playing with paints. When I started moving from scrapbooking to mixed media and now to watercolors, I did so without any classes or lessons. I have realized I have no idea what I am doing g๐Ÿ˜€ this week I have watched a couple of videos and painted along with the artists. I am beginning to learn and understand watercolor paints better. I still have a long ways to go but I am learning.

Here are a few of my creations from this week.

With each one I have learned something new and feel a little bit better about grabbing that new piece of paper. 

Be sure to stop over there and visit the amazing artists!!

And I hank you for visiting and for your kind words. I appreciate them more than you know. 

It seems I disappeared