Friday, November 26, 2021

The day after

 It is the day after Thanksgiving. It was just the two of us so I didn't overload on food. We just had a repeat for lunch:) Tonight is pizza. 

I have all of my wood ornaments, canvas ornaments and card finished for next week's sale. Fingers crossed it is a good one. 

I did play with acrylic paint instead of watercolors. I followed You tube tutorials from SurajFine Arts. 

He uses palette knives for much of the work instead of brushes. I also only had liquid paint which is more difficult for this technique. 

But, i had fun and will definitely try this again! 

I hope everyone is having a wonderful relaxing and healthy weekend. 

Friday, November 5, 2021

Good Friday morning

 Here we are at the end of another week. 

This week has been all about cards:) Winter/holiday cards for the upcoming show. 

I have learned to work on many cards at once. That way they can be drying and I tend to get better layers. 

I still have many more to make but I have until the end of November. 
Adding this to PaintPArtyFriday. Please visit all the wonderful artists who share their works there. 

 We will be heading north to the cottage to finish putting everything away for the season. My sister had 6 inches of snow up there earlier this week. 

Wishing you a happy and healthy weekend!

It seems I disappeared