Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Grateful for Big Changes

Our son was diagnosed with learning disabilities AFTER his first year of college. It was a major blow to him emotionally and mentally. However, it did explain much of his high school years. Fast forward 3 years and he has now been on the Dean's List for THREE semesters in a row! He transferred to a different college, started taking meds and has improved his own responsiblity! He called last night to tell us he got a 98 on an exam!! We are so proud of you Rob!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

So quiet

I am enjoying the absolute quiet! Mike has had a cold all week and has been coughing and hacking. We spent the week in separate bedrooms. Today he left to go to Chicago for a business trip and I am enjoying the quiet. In fact, I have worked most of the day cleaning, sorting, throwing away, straightening, filing. I have gotten so much done! Hope to continue tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

BFF's forever

We love when Jen is home and her high school BFF, Kristen, comes to visit. the laughter never ends!

I have no idea why it is turning this layout sideways!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 7 --

Just love my furry friend! He is there to snuggle with me, to share food and to make sure I get my exercise.

Day 6 - You don't need to spend a lot of money

I wandered into the yard and field next door to pick a variety of items to make a fall bouquet.

Friday, November 5, 2010


I am thankful that my children are able to go to each other for support, advice and love! They may not have been best buddies when they were little but now do so much for each other even though they are thousands of miles apart!

Fall Leaves

I am grateful to live in a part of the country that has all four seasons. One of my favorite activities is to shuffle through the leaves as I walk the dog.

(yes, that looks like snow/ice on the leaf this morning!)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3- Sunrise - Sunset

I just love when I head out in the morning and the clouds are pink!
In Arzona we took in amazing sunsets.

Gratitude - Day 2

I am so thankful for the times we get to see Jen. She is in AZ busy getting her PhD. We happily spent a long weekend visiting her. Jen is such an amazing young woman full of determination and strength!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November - Month of Gratitude

I am going to join those posting a photo a day of something they are grateful for.

I am grateful for a son who came to the cottage for a weekend to help prepare for winter. He did not whine or complain even as he jumped into the cold water. His feet are too big for waders:)

It seems I disappeared