Sunday, August 7, 2022


 My granddaughter started Kindergarten and my grandson started a new Preschool. 

I used this sketch from StickitDown

I used a variety of very old products from different manufacturers. 

Thank you for visiting and for your kind words.

Friday, August 5, 2022

I scrapped!

 I actually scrapped! It has been so long and I am getting farther and farther behind. Or it is just that there are so many new memories with the grandkids, that I want to scrap. 

Jen and Lauren have matching bathing suits which they wore at the cottage in northern Michigan. 

The following contain affiliate links. 

I used Echo Park available at

Lauren also started Kindergarten 

She was so excited and couldn't wait to go back the next day!

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words! 

Monday, August 1, 2022

What happened to July?

 Have I really not posted since June?? Wow, what happened to summer? 

The grandkids were here the last week of June and we spent the majority of the time at the cottage. Swim, sand, fish, repeat. That pretty much sums up the week:) Being from Phoenix they are used to swimming in a pool but had no problems getting right in the lake. And Miss Lauren is not afraid of worms or fish. She did want to keep the fish in a bucket and she named them:) 

After they left, my husband had his hip replaced. So I have been moving the yard with the push mower and helping with his recovery. He is slowly getting back up to speed but I am still mowing, etc.

I have been getting ready for an art show/sale this weekend. I have about 6 dozen cards as well as other original pieces. It is our town's sidewalk sales so there should be good crowds. Here are three of my cards. 

Here are some of the larger pieces

I hope you have been enjoying the past month. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words. 

Growing in Unity