Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Imaginisce and I Rock

Ho w cool is this!!!
i-rockin' a 12x12 Leather Album (and HUGE giveaway)

Did you know that we sell some of the nicest 12x12 leather Urban Memory Albums in the industry?Urban Memory albums are archival safe to keep your memory treasures preserved as well as stylish. The outside cover is washable and fits the hottest trends with a palette of designer colors...check out the colors available on our websiteAnd our 12x12 and 8x8 sheet protectors are some of the best quality I've personally ever used. 

Recently one of our fans emailed us asking us if you could "i-rock" the front of an we gave it a try and it worked beautifully.  

1 comment:

  1. wahoooo! yay for imaginisce and the irock! :)



Growing in Unity