Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Grateful for Big Changes

Our son was diagnosed with learning disabilities AFTER his first year of college. It was a major blow to him emotionally and mentally. However, it did explain much of his high school years. Fast forward 3 years and he has now been on the Dean's List for THREE semesters in a row! He transferred to a different college, started taking meds and has improved his own responsiblity! He called last night to tell us he got a 98 on an exam!! We are so proud of you Rob!


  1. That is just so awesome and what a great page to show him off.

  2. My dd had some learning issues back in elementary school. She is "dysgraphic". I took her to ans OT friend of mine who gave us some exercises to do with her that made a world of difference. She too is on the Dean's list, and is a junior at WMU majoring in Secondary Education/English. There really is help out there.

  3. Love everything about this LO, Jean. The story behind it is just awesome. So glad he is doing so well - Dean's list! Love the use of the newsprint and that flower is so neat!

  4. Love the banner in this. perfect!

  5. That is fantastic that he is not only getting through something so hard, but totally defeating it!!

    Thank you so much for leaving a nice comment of encouragement on my tag at the Echo Park Paper blog! I really appreciate it! :)


Growing in Unity