Thursday, February 28, 2013


This week's SYAO involves these colors   and this sketch
Here is my layout

  • something that drips - I used Glossy Accents on the ballet shoe tag
  • layers
  • Journal in the form of a recipe.
  • Graphic 45 paper
  • lacing/leather

  • Challenges

    I did this for a sketch challenge at  LPS

    It is also for their color challenge

    Here is my layout

    Yes, I used pink and flowers on a boy's layout!

    Sunday, February 24, 2013

    Playing with paint again!

    I felt like my canvases and pages always look alike. So I tried to think about all the techniques I saw during Creative Jumpstart and started playing. I must say I think I did a good job with this

    Love the view

    We have a couple of acres and the backyard is very wooded. It is not uncommon to see 10 deer out there. Yesterday afternoon I watched three guys wander through eating their fill. I was fascinated by the one who kept standing up to pull the branch down in order to get the leaves or berries that were up there. I enjoyed this view until the dog realized they were out there:) Then he started barking and they scampered away.

    Saturday, February 23, 2013


    Still in over at SYAO . We have been completing challenges for over a year! This week's challenge

    Here is my layout

    Friday, February 22, 2013

    February Creative Dare

    February's Creative Dare is to make a life list or bucket list and use it in a piece of art. I chose to work in my art journal book and in fact chose a page which had words on it that were included in my list. I outlined those and then also added more of my own. Grabbed some different colors and stamps!

    Thursday, February 21, 2013


    I have been fighting this canvas for weeks. I did the background then saw Christy T. mask off a background and cover it with white. Then I thought it was too plain. So I made chipboard flowers and sun. Added modeling pasted stems, doodling, rubons, etc...... So now I am not sure if I like it or not. Sure wish I had someone to help me in person with these!! Seriously doubting my artistic attempts......

    Tuesday, February 19, 2013

    Winter Walks

    My husband, the dog and I are pretty good about getting out for a walk/hike on the weekends, even if the weather is not the best. This weekend temps were around 20 , yet we were out both days!

    Friday, February 15, 2013


    So I went a little crazy with this week's CSI. I am pretty sure this is not what they were thinking........

    And here is my layout......................

    Ok - This is way out of the box and probably not what you were thinking with escape and travel. But... let me explain. I won this new paper from Pepples Inc and immediately thought of Halloween 1991. My son was in his superhero phase and I made him a costume out of a sweatsuit. He wore it until it was ragged. For the next several years I made Batman, Ninja Turtles, etc. I think all little boys escape into this world of Superheros. I think I have all the colors. I have felt for my fabric, clouds and vellum. My journaling is under vellum and contains the word escape. I LOVE Pagedrafts sketches! Thanks for a great challenge.

    Tuesday, February 12, 2013

    Check it out

    I posted a layout over at this week's CSI and it was chosen as a Most Wanted!!!

    ""Each week, five layouts that caught our eye will be chosen to feature as our "Most Wanted." With so many amazing layouts in the gallery, it was incredibly hard to narrow the "lineup" down to five, but here they are, in no particular order.""

    How cool!!!!


    Today is the day! I cannot stop it from coming. There is no way to prevent it or go around it. I can't avoid it any longer.

    Today I am si......., Today I am si...........

    Today I am 59 + 1......................

    Just call me a senior, an old fogey, over the hill.

    How did this happen?? I don't feel this old.

    My husband and kids threw a party for me Saturday night

    They built a cupcake stand!

    A house full!

    The party committee

    They all even sang to me!

    Nighttime sledding!

    It was a wonderful celebration. The best part - a few people told me I did not look this old!

    Monday, February 11, 2013

    Life is Good

    I so enjoy hanging out with my son. At 24 he is employed, has his own apartment, and is now dating again. He is truly in a very happy place. Or as he told me "Life is Good in the Hood"

    I scrapped these recent photos of him using this sketch from Life paper Scrapbook.

    I also used this for a challenge to use an unopened stamp, a technique that scares you and accent pieces you have been hoarding. 

    I used a grid stamp on the striped paper. The clocks and flowers have been saved forever. For my technique I misted but forgot my mist sprays in a large blob. I ended up painting the background orange. So then I just drippled the mist from the end of the applicator. 

    Saturday, February 9, 2013

    Last Scrapper Standing

    Last Scrapper Standing has started at Memorable Seasons and I have the pleasure of issuing the first challenge!

    I HEART you. This week's challenge is all about the heart. You must use it as the focus of your layout. Instead of just using it as an embellie use it as shaped journaling, as borders, as banners, shaped out of twine or out of paint! Creativity is key! I have several examples

    This must be a new layout created for this challenge. Upload to the gallery and link to the LSS 1 Thread by Wednesday, February 13 at midnight.

    Thursday, February 7, 2013


    The challenges are getting more and more difficult each week! 

    This week's is is to complete the CSI challenge

    Here is my layout

    I have the 5 colors.
    At least two evidence - hearts, 10 layers, large heart and leaves.
    Testimony - heart shaped journaling spot

    I was Supposed to be Cleaning the House

    I was supposed to be cleaning the house for a party on Saturday. Instead, I made this!


    We bought this burlap wreath at a craft show in December and I hadn't figures out what I wanted to do with it. I painted and decopaged wood hearts and used mini clothes pins to hang them from the wreath.

    Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    MIxed Media Monday's

    Tracy at Mixed media Mondays encouraged us to create a Life or Dream list and to use that in an art piece. While I have not yet completed the list or put that in a project, I did complete this. I spent my senior year in high school in Berlin as an exchange student. It was an amazing experience. Now forty years later, I wish I could remember more of it. I have thought off and on about going back, but even if that does not happen,. I want to get out my slides and diaries and try to make an album from my stay. So that is on my life list. Tracy's piece of the castle reminded me of Berlin so I took an image of the old bombed out church because that stands out in my mind and created this.

    Sunday, February 3, 2013


    The Challenges are getting more difficult! This week's challenge was to use these colors, chicken wire, stamping, 5 different ribbons and tags.

    Here is my layout. I did everything that was required.

    Friday, February 1, 2013

    Memorable Season's February Kit

    It is a new month and that means a new Design Team kit from Memorable Seasons !!

    This month I got to play with the Authentique Lovely collection!!!

    I love this paper!! Gorgeous patterns and colors and great quality!!

    Here is my first layout

    I have this photo of my parents. I do not know when it was taken or what the occasion was. But, I love the look of delight and the laughter shown on my mom's face. I paired it with a copy of a letter my dad wrote to my mom two days before they were married. The last line of his letter was "I am out of paper, but I will never run out of love for you".   Quite eloquent for an electrical engineer:) Sadly my dad died when I was 12.

    I also made a card. I jumped on the vellum envelopes bandwagon with this.

    Growing in Unity