Saturday, July 20, 2013

Plant a Garden with Seeds of Joy

Subtitled: Plant a Garden with Tears of Frustration

Ok - so why is it so hard for me to just sit down and create a canvas???? I thought I would play since I had not made a new canvas in a while. I got some new stencils that I was excited to try. I used one with modeling paste. Got that part painted. It was kind of like a sun in the corner so I thought I'd paint a sunset on the water. It was just not working so instead I thought I'd try a sailboat. Looked like something a child did. I finally just washed the canvas - every layer of gesso, paint, gelatos and modeling paste and started over.

I am still not totally happy with this. I used water color pencils to make the flowers. Just kind of drew circles then went over them with a brush. Added paint strokes and pen and even stamps. I want to just create without thinking too much. I need help with layers! I have decided i am going to take a painting class this fall when the continuing ed classes begin. I also need to get back to You Tube and spend time watching more videos.

Not sure I am totally in love with it but it is done.

If you have read all of this, thanks for sticking it out with me:)


  1. Thank you for sharing the story behind a piece, sometimes that really touches another artist. I think it's wonderful, just love the colors!

  2. Gorgeous!! I love it. Happy I stumbled upon your blog through websters inspire me.

  3. Oh... glad I popped over, your blog and your work is just gorgeous!

  4. I really like it Jean!
    I think these flowers especially have so much depth...and I do love your colors as well.
    Thank you~

  5. Jean, I love it. And I love that you shared your story to go along with it. I think it's beautiful Jean. <3


Growing in Unity