Thursday, April 17, 2014

Earth Day

PCC has an earth day challenge. The idea was to use something that would be otherwise thrown away. Bonus entries for including a world, the word peace and photo  instructions for your project.

I had been hoarding a  wood clementine box for some time now. This seemed like the perfect time to alter it!

I painted it black
Then I began decorating! I painted, stenciled, glued on shapes from paper scraps, old books, etc. I used old packaging from scrap embellies and even the hobby lobby plastic bag was cut apart to make flowers! The best flower of all if one made from the fabric from my bridesmaid dresses which is 39 years old!

Here are my flowers. I used a running stitch to gather the fabric into a circle.  
 I cut the plastic bag into a strip and then starting in the center glued it onto a circle shape then misted it.
The tags tied to the box are recycled from clothes and scrap products. I even have a feather from the yard.

I found a perfect quote for the inside of this box which I now think I use to store paints!

I have the word peace written on a side, I had the earth stenciled on and I have photos of the process!

Here is the finished box

Thanks for checking this out!

Paints used - American Black, Royal Purple, Mustard Seed, Truse Red


  1. Jean,

    I love your entry!

    You know, I have held onto a few of those boxes myself and then finally gave in and added them to the recycling bin. Now I know what I could have dome with them!

    Thanks for entering in the Earth Day Challenge and good luck!


  2. Oh my goodness, this is SO cool! What a great way to use up those boxes!!! Such a lovely project and useful too!! Thanks so much for the wonderful inspiration!!! Have a great weekend! Hugs :)

  3. Great job at recycling that box! waving hi from the rainy hills of North Carolina ♥

  4. FABULOUS recycling Jean!!!
    Love the black paint against your pretty embellishments :)


Growing in Unity