Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Color Run

I have wanted to complete one of this since I heard about it. As luck would have it, Beth ( my son's fiance) had signed up with her sister to do one. Her sister decided she did not want to go so I signed up instead. Beth is new to running and had not done any race before. I knew I could not run but would job/walk/run as well as I could. Beth was just giddy the entire morning. We got close to the front of the start and she left me about a block into the race. She ran her best time and when I finished she was by the stage where they were all throwing packets of powder. She was color from head to toe!

I used the Pagemaps sketch to document this

I used watercolors which is why the paper is a bit wrinkled. 


  1. I've never seen a colour run. It looks exciting.

    Great layout.

  2. What a great experience and a beautiful page!
    I would love to do such a run too ;)


Growing in Unity