Sunday, September 11, 2016

I'm Famous - well sort of

Yesterday was the Art in Park show sponsored by the Rogue River Artist's Association. I have been a member of this group for just about year. This year our group took over responsibility for hosting this event from the city. Our group's president was asked by a local tv station to talk about the show and he brought some artwork to share with the audience. Unbeknownst to me there is also video and as I am watching the interview, I SEE ONE OF MY CANVASES! How cool! Over 16 of us participated in the show yesterday and I was flabbergasted to see my canvas on tv.

As for the show, I sold 6 canvases and have an order for another. Unfortunately, we had torrential downpours and there was a threat of storms so we closed up about 2 pm. I would have loved to stay longer.

Here is a link to the interview! My canvas is around 1:13 and is actually shown a second time!

Art in the Park

In case you did not notice, I have a tab showing the canvases I have for sale. Most are 8 x 10 and cost $20. I have shipped within the USA for approximately $6 - $8. I would be happy if you want to buy any. Just send me an email!

Thank you for visiting!Your stopping my made my day!


  1. sounds like the event was a great success.. congrats on selling some canvas' .. BL

  2. What great kudos, to have your work selected for the interview...I would be just as excited! Bloggie Love


It seems I disappeared