Sunday, September 11, 2016

I'm Famous - well sort of

Yesterday was the Art in Park show sponsored by the Rogue River Artist's Association. I have been a member of this group for just about year. This year our group took over responsibility for hosting this event from the city. Our group's president was asked by a local tv station to talk about the show and he brought some artwork to share with the audience. Unbeknownst to me there is also video and as I am watching the interview, I SEE ONE OF MY CANVASES! How cool! Over 16 of us participated in the show yesterday and I was flabbergasted to see my canvas on tv.

As for the show, I sold 6 canvases and have an order for another. Unfortunately, we had torrential downpours and there was a threat of storms so we closed up about 2 pm. I would have loved to stay longer.

Here is a link to the interview! My canvas is around 1:13 and is actually shown a second time!

Art in the Park

In case you did not notice, I have a tab showing the canvases I have for sale. Most are 8 x 10 and cost $20. I have shipped within the USA for approximately $6 - $8. I would be happy if you want to buy any. Just send me an email!

Thank you for visiting!Your stopping my made my day!


  1. sounds like the event was a great success.. congrats on selling some canvas' .. BL

  2. What great kudos, to have your work selected for the interview...I would be just as excited! Bloggie Love


Growing in Unity