Saturday, December 30, 2017

Happy New Year

As usual the holidays are passing by in a flash. We spent time with our daughter, son in law and 8 month old granddaughter. What fun to introduce a new child to the wonders of the season! Except for two glitches - Bass Pro shops does not advertise that you need to get a ticket to see Santa ahead of time and, as a result, he was booked. And, the other grandmother managed to get everyone in the house sick including the baby. Sadly we had to leave shortly after they brought her home from the doctor where she tested positive for the flu. We have been sick in bed since we got home Thursday evening. I am hoping to feel a bit better today to get some things accomplished.

So with all of that being said, I have not had much time nor energy for painting. I have been dabbling with some watercolors this morning. I am looking for a style that is just kind of outlines with blocks of color - if that makes sense.

I have more work to do but this is a start, Just some ideas for cards and such.

Adding this to PaintpartyFriday

Thank you for stopping by! I am off to rest again for a while. 


  1. Wonderfully whimsical watercolors!
    Ugh, so sorry to hear you got sick! I've heard the same from several others. Too bad about Santa too but spending time with loved ones is the best part of any of it anyway. Even when sick. :)

  2. I love your delicate watercolor art.
    Happy new year 2018 🌠💕

  3. I love your style, the loose watercolor with ink sketching is really beautiful!!

  4. I love that watercolor sketching style, very free and loose. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  5. I am so sorry about the flu. I am sending healing energy and hope by now things have settled down. I really love your art and look forward to seeing what you create next year. Happy 2018.

  6. I love the playful look of them. Great ideas. Blessings, Janet


Growing in Unity