Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Paint Party Friday

I am a bit late to PaintPartyFriday but I am still going:)

Been spending the day catching up with my projects for the art show. I will be headed back to Phoenix to babysit my granddaughter and the show is the weekend I get home!

I made a couple of smaller mixed media canvases. These are wonderful for gifts!

Adding this to PaintpartyFriday. You should go check out the amazing inspiration! Thank you for your visit and your kind words which make me so happy!


  1. These are each charming and must be fun to make.
    I wish you the best with your show and fun with your granddaughter.

  2. So glad you joined in. Getting to spend time with the granddaughter is a gift. Your art pieces are lovely.

  3. Glad you made it to PPF. I hope to see you there today as well. Your miniature canvases are lovely. I especially love the butterfly.


Growing in Unity