Saturday, July 28, 2018

Vacation is almost over

My daughter and her family have been visiting for a week. Tomorrow they fly back to Phoenix and it will be a sad time for all of us.  We will miss chasing our 15 month old granddaughter around.

Last week while we were at the cottage, I got out my watercolors for Lauren to play with. Here is our masterpiece.

Adding this to Paintpartyfriday. I hope you like our masterpiece!

Thank you for visiting!


  1. Your masterpiece is very cute. Sound like you had a lovely time with family.
    Happy PPF
    Vicki-Ann :)

  2. This masterpiece is exactly that! A masterpiece! AMAZING--there's such a vivid and free spirit portrayed. <3

  3. A lovely masterpiece, glad you had quality time together!

  4. I do like it. A new artist in the making. Glad you had time with your family.


Growing in Unity