Friday, December 20, 2019

Sweet memories

Our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter is obsessed with the Polar Express watching it on repeat all the time. She took a bag clip and asked her mom for a ticket to punch. 

Yesterday I made her Polar Express tickets and am getting her a hole punch today.
I know she will have fun leaving a trial of punches around the house!

I also have been working on a few thank you/ holiday cards. 

Just a simple watercolor scene inspired by one I saw on pinterest.

I just realized this is the last Friday before Christmas!

Whatever you may be celebrating may it be joyous and filled with family and love!

Adding this to PaintPartyFriday! Please stop over there and visit the many talented artists!


  1. Love your card, so joyful! Have fun with the family, and the Polar Express is a lovely film great idea with he tickets! Happy holidays, hugs, Valerie

  2. I agree with Valerie great idea with the tickets and such a lovely card. Happy Holidays

  3. Nice watercolour painting.
    Happy Holidays

  4. Sweet holiday card ~ and love your grand daughter's enjoyment of Polar Express ~ it is wonderful!

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. what a great idea to make those tickets for your little GD. Lovely watercolor card. Happy PPF and a Merry Christmas too!

  6. very nice card!!!
    Happy Christmas,
    greetings Elke

  7. Hi Jean :)) Your watercolour is really nice, I like it! And what a sweet idea for your granddaughter! She's going to love that!!! Merry Christmas!!! :)

  8. Those tickets are a great idea and love that you're getting her a hole punch. She's going to love it! Merry Christmas!

  9. not sure what the Poalr express is about, but I love your christmas tree. :)

  10. Your watercolor card is perfect for the season! Merry Christmas and happy PPF!


Growing in Unity