Friday, September 11, 2020

It's the weekend!

 It is the weekend and we are at the cottage enjoying a couple of days with friends. 

This week I did accomplish a layout as well as some painting. 

My 3 1/2 year old granddaughter loves "going to school". She set up an area in her mom's walk in closet. She has a shelf for her shoes, lunchbox, toys, etc. She sits on a step stool and does her "work" She also loves playtime and pretend nap. I had to get her a new backback because the lunch box I got her was too big for her backpacks. She is working on writing her name, knows her alphabet and is counting to almost 30. She will be ready when the day does come to go to school:)

I also worked on more cards and paintings. I like the way this blue/green one came out. 

I bought black paper so I could try these metallic paints on it. Here is my vase of flowers. 

I also played with spooky trees on very wet paper.

And I made a birthday card for a friend who lives on a lake. 


I guess I have been busier than I thought:) Adding this to PaintPartyFriday. Please visit all of the artists who post every week over there. 

Thank you for sharing your weekend with me. I appreciate your kind words. Stay safe.


  1. Very cool paintings! I especially like the blue/green and spooky trees! A lot!

  2. Jean your granddaughter sounds like a delight. Your cards are beautiful.


Growing in Unity