Friday, March 12, 2021


 So today I headed out for my second covid vaccination. So grateful to all of those who have made these shots possible! Not much of a reaction to the first so hoping for that when i get this one. 

Still not much time to be creative. Last couple of weeks with the grandkids so my efforts are focused there:) 

There was a hand and feet challenge over on facebook. These are my granddaughter's feet in her ballet shoes. 

And a hand holding flowers.

This will be made into a thank you card.

Thank you for your visit and kind words! I really do appreciate everyone who stops by! Wishing each of you a fun and healthy weekend. 

Adding this to PaintpartyFriday.


  1. Pretty art! Great you got your vaccine.

  2. these are beautiful. I really love the delicate nature of the last one especially. Happy PPF!

  3. Love your elegant style ~ granddaughter's ballet slippers are sweet ~

    Living moment to moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Lovely art. Happy to hear you good your vaccines

    Stay safe

    much love...

  5. Glad you are vax. We get our second on at the end of this month. Your art is simply beautiful.

  6. So precious that you captured your granddaughter's hand and feet! Beautiful!

  7. your feet reminden of my daughters ballet class :) Long ago now!
    Beautiful flowers :)


Growing in Unity