Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday again

 Here we are at Friday once again. Had another busy week subbing at school. The kids are settling in and getting used to the routines. I have not had a lot of time to get ready for next week's art show. That is on the agenda for this week.

I have been on a birch tree kick

Hoping these will do well at the sale:)

Adding this to PaintpartyFriday. Please visit all of the wonderful artists and their blogs!

Thank you for visiting! I appreciate your kind words more  than you know.  I wish you all a fun and healthy weekend! 


  1. Love your birch tree paintings jean! Happy PPF!

  2. The second is my favourite too, it shows off the lovely bark more.

  3. Oh these are just stunning. I know you will do well at the show.

  4. Absolutely stunning, especially loving the orange watercolour pop against the grey birch. Fantastic work.
    Happy PPF Tracey x


Growing in Unity