Friday, November 26, 2021

The day after

 It is the day after Thanksgiving. It was just the two of us so I didn't overload on food. We just had a repeat for lunch:) Tonight is pizza. 

I have all of my wood ornaments, canvas ornaments and card finished for next week's sale. Fingers crossed it is a good one. 

I did play with acrylic paint instead of watercolors. I followed You tube tutorials from SurajFine Arts. 

He uses palette knives for much of the work instead of brushes. I also only had liquid paint which is more difficult for this technique. 

But, i had fun and will definitely try this again! 

I hope everyone is having a wonderful relaxing and healthy weekend. 


  1. Wow! Great results from play ~ favorite is the BW ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Your paintings are totally fabulous, love them. Good luck for next week, I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Love these paintings jean!! I have done a few of Suraj's tutorials and enjoy the palette knife. Happy PPF!

  4. They're beautiful! I want to experiment with palette knives soon.

  5. I've watched Suraji's videos too :)
    I really like how those colors flow, blend...

  6. Two beautiful paintings, love them both.

  7. I have seen this guy on Youtube bur so far I ahve not done anything.
    Love the first colorful landscape but my favorite is the black and white. Or almost bw. I can see a hint of color. I love that one.


Growing in Unity