Saturday, January 4, 2014

Queen for a Day

Apparently some of my friends have too much time on their hands!

In fact Sandee has  declared 2014 a Royal year and is having a crown party! So don't be jealous but here is my crown. It has jewels to die for! And even some feathers. Alas, there is no glitter!


  1. I love it, and look, it even matches the superman cape!! Your crown is fabulous, just like you darling! Thank you for entering my Royal contest, doing the Queenly wave from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  2. Yayyy Jean!! I love your crown!! So glad to see it posted and that you played!!!

  3. Oh this is great. You ladies are hilarious, you crack me up. Jean I am very pleased to see your crown displayed in the appropriate manner amongst your jewellery collection. Love this.

  4. so funny! I love it! way to go for having a good time in a creative way!


Growing in Unity