Sunday, November 30, 2014


Every year since each of my children has been born, I have bought them a dated ornament for Christmas. The idea was that when they own their own homes, they will have a collection of ornaments for their trees. I am pleased to say both own homes and now have a box of ornaments. I kept a handwritten list but decided to make an album with pictures of each ornament.

Our tree is going to look very different this year without these ornaments!!

Entering this in Anything Goes Challenge at PartytimeTuesday!


  1. What a neat idea and great keepsake!!! WOW! Love it!!

  2. Now that is LOVE!
    Great idea Jean!

  3. great idea! and fabulous project!
    thanks for stopping by ...I have not being so much here, I need some more time :)
    hugs bibiana

  4. You are amazing. I have tried to keep up with this same tradition with my children as well. I have thought of doing an album, but have felt overwhelmed. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. What a fun tradition! I love your album!


Growing in Unity