Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Still getting used to having Tuesdays and Thursdays off. Today I am having some play time then I need to clean up!

I am participating in a group with prompts to create every day. The topics vary widely and you can use any medium. Here are a couple I have done

This was anything goes - stamps and paint

 This was fave techniques - includes paint, stamps, stencils

 This was for collage - greats use of paper scraps

I admit I struggle with these. I find I spend too much time and often take hours to complete just one project! I need to work quicker and not overthink it.

Paints - All Deco Art

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jean! It's Chrissie from The Alley Way stamps! You won the set on my blog - can you please contact me with your mailing info so we can get you your stamps? I'll need it by Friday, 1/30!

    harvestmoonpapiere at gmail dot com

    Thanks and fantastic blog! :)


Growing in Unity