Saturday, February 25, 2017

Artist or Not

For those of you who know me, you know I always considered myself the non artistic twin. My sister got the art and music gene while I got math and science. A forced job layoff just over a year ago resulted in a search to find something to fill my time. I ended up enrolling in a basic painting class through community education. The class was meant to be an introduction to various mediums but the teacher fell short in really providing much direction. On my own, I watched Youtube videos and started creating mixed media canvases and even joined the local art association! I am still trying to find my niche which means experimenting and playing. I was lucky enough to win a box of Colourarte Primary Elelments . I am still not quite sure how to use them but have always been drawn to abstract art. I pushed my fear aside and  grabbed a large (16 x 20) canvas and started playing. Now my problem is I don't know what to do next. Add more paint? Add black doodles? Leave it? Which direction is up?

I need to get better photos of the metallic sheen these paints have. They are just beautiful.

So these is my Paint Party Friday piece!

Thank you for visiting! Feel free to leave me advice on what to do next!! I appreciate it!


  1. What lovely lines. It reminds me of the ocean, or the currents in the river. Beautiful, just beautiful.

  2. beautiful flow and melding of colors. Just have fun and play-if it doesn't work out-cover with a coat of white gesso and begin again:) Happy PPF!

  3. Gorgeous so far...just use your intuition and play! You can always gesso over everything and start again...or just keep layering. You may be an intuitive artist who will look and see shapes after the paint is down. Put your math brain on hold and have fun! Looks really good so far! Can't wait to see how it's completed!!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. I am self-taught and I feel that sometimes this is the best way to go.
    You are definitely onto the artistic highway!
    Gorgeous colors!!!
    Youtube has fantastic artists that you can pick-up tips from and be motivated by...enjoy~

  5. I too am drawn to abstract and took a year to study its history and created. It is not as easy as some think it is. Try looking at Peter Dranitsin. As for this piece of art it is lovely and has an ethereal feel to it.

  6. Oh how lovely that is! The colors and swirls are wonderful.

  7. A beautiful creation, I think self taught is the way to go and keep experimenting and have fun ;)

  8. That's very pretty! You are an artist! I am nnot good at all at mixed media!! LOL! BL

  9. I can't take my eyes off those colors. Bloggie Love


Growing in Unity