Friday, February 9, 2018

Getting my Paint on

I needed cards for my mom and two sister's birthdays. I decided to get my paint on:)

Each one is a bit different. I think they will like them. I did fix the cat card changing you to your:) Bad stamping job.

I am still learning but these were fun to do.

Adding these to PaintPartyFriday . Head over there for amazing inspiration!!

Thank you for visiting! Wishing you a happy weekend!


  1. Jean, these are all wonderful!!!
    Handmade cards are so much better than store bought.

    Happy PPF🎨

  2. Lovely cute cards.
    Happy PPF and weekend xx

  3. What sweet cards! Put was my dear daughter's birthday Feb 7, and I pulled out a favorite original art card is found in a shop.

  4. they are lovely and the recipients will be very pleased !!

  5. Such sweet cards. I especially like the cat :-)

  6. Wonderful happy cards - they will delight the new owners!
    Happy PPF!

  7. They will love them. Each one so unique and I am guessing perfect for them.

  8. they are cool, you did a great job!


Growing in Unity