Friday, April 12, 2019

I am back

I was off visiting my granddaughter for her second birthday! Such a fun time. What better way to celebrate than to give her tap shoes! She had fallen in love with them during a movement class where they got to try them. Now she has her own.

When I am with Lauren I do not get much of anything creative done. By the time she goes to sleep, I am ready for sleep!

But, now that I am home I was able to play again. I had seen something like this on Pinterest and wanted to try. Mine has some issues but I am sharing anyway. I have so much to learn with watercolors and again, mostly it is about patience!

Adding this to PaintPartyFriday! Such amazing inspiration there! 

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words!!


  1. Oh I think this is beautiful! I try and play around with watercolors sometimes but it's not so much my thing. Always end up going back to acrylics. The you tube videos on watercolor art is so inspiring though:) Happy PPF!

  2. Oooooh, this is fantastic. Love it! Happy PPF and have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Sounds like you had fun! My daughter is two, I bet she'd love tap shoes too. (I started tap classes when I was three I think). Happy PPF!

  4. Wonderful watercolor art. Love the colors. I think you have a lot talent.
    Happy PPF and seekend 🌸

  5. My grand daughter just turn three and love the shape of your peacock.
    Coffee is on

  6. It's wonderful when we are inspired by another's work and carry it to create our own version, so complementary to the artist that inspired you and delightful for us to see your beautiful watercolour. I think he is magnificent!!
    I did smile about the sleep when your Grandaughter sleeps, children sure do know how to burn off our energy but they are worth it.. Happy PPF TRacey x

  7. This is just beautiful. You are so fortunate to be close to your granddaughter.

  8. I don't see any issues--I LOVE this peacock. Your painting fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give. I just adore this painting.

  9. I don't see any issues. Your peacock looks really wonderful! Love the fluidity of the piece.


  10. Absolutely gorgeous. Happy PPF and happy Easter, hugs, Valerie


Growing in Unity