Friday, April 26, 2019

Scrapping and painting

It has been a busy week. I have been subbing at school for lunch room duties, recess and even a little class room time. The school is 1/2 mile away so I always walk there and back getting some steps in.

I have been scrapping! Trying to get more done before I head out for the birth of my grandson. My granddaughter turned 2 on April 1, so no shortage of photos!

She has been taking art classes for about 9 months and she LOVES them. Last week they colored these cat masks and when we facetimed all she would say was MEOW. Over and over. It was too funny.

I created a layout using many of the items they work with including paint, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, stencils, etc. 

I also completed two more alphabet cards!

Slowly getting closer to the end!

Adding this to Paintpartyfriday. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! They are talking about snow! here in Michigan. So not spring like:(


  1. She looks fantastic with the mask and you made the most beautiful background for the photo. Love the letter pictures, too.
    Happy PPF 😃🐢

  2. Lovely layout with your sweet little cutie, so beautiful. Great ABC cards, too. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. great alpha cards and how sweet is your cat girl photo on your wonderful layout! Happy PPF!

  5. Love the new cards. And that photo is so cute!

  6. It's so lovely to hear your Grandaughter has been taking art classes, it's so important for children to be given these opportunities early as possible, what a sweet conversation you must have both had in cat tongue hee hee!! Fabulous scrap page & cards.
    Happy PPF Tracey xx

  7. A thoughtful and pretty get well card. The alphabet cards are sweet. The first piece made me smile😊

    Have a nice weekend


  8. love yoru quail. Such a beautiful bird :)


Growing in Unity