Saturday, January 25, 2020

New Art Group

We are visiting out daughter for a few months to help with our only grandchildren. We are renting a house in a beautiful community which offers a pool, a fitness center and various clubs. Well, I got up my nerve and went to the Art Club. The room was filled with probably 12 - 15 people who come every Tuesday and Thursday and paint. On Tuesdays, they break for lunch then get back to work! I was not expecting that!

I timidly sat down at a table next to a lovely older woman. I began a couple of cards. Everyone was very kind and encouraging. I even joined the group for lunch!

Here are the cards I started. I have found that if I have many going at once, then I force myself to let them dry:)

The club does have a show/sale in March so if I get enough done, I may join in.

Adding these to paint party Friday!  Please visit the wonderful artists there!

Happy Weekend!


Saturday, January 18, 2020

Simple and quick

Need a simple and quick birthday card? I saw something like this on pinterest. 

Worst part was waiting for it to dry:)

Been a busy week, spending time with the grandkids. At 2 1/2 and 8 months, I find I am not getting much of anything else done:):)

Adding this to paintpartyfriday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Sending get well wishes

I have two friends who have either had surgery or will be having surgery. I sat down yesterday and replicated an idea I saw on Pinterest.

The sentiment made me smile.

Also have another friend who's family is dealing with a loss.

I am not at home, so do not have all of my supplies and am missing some of my tools but I made do. 

Sharing this with PaintPartyFriday

Wishing you and yours a wonderful weekend filled with fun!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to 2020! That sounds so crazy.

It has been a busy week which including taking our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter ice skating. She saw it on Daniel Tiger and wanted to try. She rocked it. She was on the ice for over an hour and did not want to stop. She did enjoy watching the Zamboni but was afraid two workers who were still on the ice were going to get run over:)

In between running back and forth to babysit and watch swimming or tumbling, I managed to make a few more cards.

Wishing you a new year filled with painting and creativity!

Adding these to PaintPartyFriday! 

Growing in Unity