Saturday, January 4, 2020

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to 2020! That sounds so crazy.

It has been a busy week which including taking our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter ice skating. She saw it on Daniel Tiger and wanted to try. She rocked it. She was on the ice for over an hour and did not want to stop. She did enjoy watching the Zamboni but was afraid two workers who were still on the ice were going to get run over:)

In between running back and forth to babysit and watch swimming or tumbling, I managed to make a few more cards.

Wishing you a new year filled with painting and creativity!

Adding these to PaintPartyFriday! 


  1. Love your fun cards. Ice-skating with kids is always a delight! Have a great 2020, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your pictures are so cute!
    Ice skating is always exciting
    I wish you a happy new year, Elke

  3. Oh my gosh, these are adorable! I hope to see an ice skating layout soon. :)

  4. Jean, your cards are so cute! :) I haven't been ice skating in so many years. I remember really enjoying it! I need to get myself some skates again, we have so many lakes around here that are frozen solid for 4 months each winter!

  5. Very lovely cards. Happy 2020 to you.


Growing in Unity