Saturday, January 25, 2020

New Art Group

We are visiting out daughter for a few months to help with our only grandchildren. We are renting a house in a beautiful community which offers a pool, a fitness center and various clubs. Well, I got up my nerve and went to the Art Club. The room was filled with probably 12 - 15 people who come every Tuesday and Thursday and paint. On Tuesdays, they break for lunch then get back to work! I was not expecting that!

I timidly sat down at a table next to a lovely older woman. I began a couple of cards. Everyone was very kind and encouraging. I even joined the group for lunch!

Here are the cards I started. I have found that if I have many going at once, then I force myself to let them dry:)

The club does have a show/sale in March so if I get enough done, I may join in.

Adding these to paint party Friday!  Please visit the wonderful artists there!

Happy Weekend!



  1. Those are really nice Jean! And congratulations on joining in the Art Club, I think I would have been too shy!

  2. wonderful this cards!!! I think it's great that you want to participate and brave.
    Have nice weekend, Elke

  3. I'd love to belong to an art club! How fun! Love your cards.

  4. Hello Jean, good for you joining in with the art club, they would have been so happy to have you there too. Its always fun and inspiring to see other artists as they create.

    Your cards are delightful and, yes, that's a great way to leave them long enough to dry (something I must do myself when using watercolours).
    Happy PPF! Lovely to catch up again xx

  5. lovely cards Jean. Good idea to join in the club and see how it feels:) Happy PPF!

  6. Jean it is so nice that you could move close to help with the grandchildren. Sounds like you will have a good time there. The cards are wonderful. Hope you make enough for the show.

  7. Well done you for going, it's scary going somewhere new. Love your paintings.

  8. Oh Jean I'm so glad you took that step to join the art group, it's good to have something for you whilst helping your Daughter. It's always best to have more than one watercolour on the go they dry much better when left alone. Enjoy your new creative time with the class your cards are fabulous. Enjoy the rest of your weekend & family time. Creative Wishes Tracey x

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Growing in Unity