Friday, August 28, 2020


 Congrats! You made it to Friday! At least I think it is Friday:):)

It has been another warm and muggy week here in Michigan but I am happy to see that temps will be more seasonal next week. 

In addition to meeting up with friends and playing tennis this week, I have done a fair amount of walking. 

My husband teaches at two of the local colleges and has been busy figuring out how classes are going to work next week. He will be doing some in class as well as online. 

My family had a good laugh when  we saw this graphic. 

I have also been working on cards for the art show at the end of September. 

I used a feather to create lines for some simple flower drawings. I added a touch of color. 

The next ones were just pen and watercolor. 

Still trying to figure out my niche:)

We did spend a few days up north at the cottage last weekend. 

We enjoy it at this time of year when things start to slow down as fewer people come to visit. 

Thank you for visiting and for your kind words. I hope, where ever you are, that you are staying safe and healthy. 

Adding this to  - Paint Party Friday. Please check out the amazing artists who link up there. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

We are Back

 We are back from the stifling heat of the southwest. Temps of 115 - 117 are just so wrong:) 

I have been catching up on cleaning and other fun projects around the house but also managed to squeeze some time in for painting. 

Had fun with this little kittie.

This is called morning fog. 


Also been working on cards

I tried negative leaf painting. I am not 100% satisfied with this but now understand the process more. 

Needed a sympathy card for a friend so went monochromatic. 

I hope you had a wonderful week. Adding this to PaintpartyFriday Please stop by there and visiti the links to see many wonderful artists! 

Thank you for visiting and for your kind words! I apprecicate your feedback very much!


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Color stories Inspiration

 Have you ever visited Color Stories Inspiration? If not  - you should. 

CSI presents case files every month to be solved using a variety of clues. You can use the colors or topics or setting to inspire your layouts. I am honored this month to be a guest designer!

My first layout was for case #327

When I saw it, I immediately thought of the light rail trip we took with my granddaughter. She watches Daniel Tiger and wanted to ride a train like he does. We took the light rail into downtown Tempe where we hiked A mountain and had lunch before returning home. She was thrilled to get on the "train" and enjoyed people watching. 

Case #328 threw me for a loop. 
I had an idea in my head and it did just not come together. So I went with plan B - inspired by the colors and scrapped my granddaughter riding in her car. 

Thank you Debbi for asking me to guest design! I love the inspiration at CSI and encourage you to stop by there. 

Friday, August 14, 2020


Today I am the Guest Designer over at StickitDown. This website offers card and layout sketches every month! It is a great place to go when  you need inspiration!

This is the August sketch I was sent to work with

And, here is my layout

It reminded me of the hikes we took in Phoenix during the winter. Love exploring the new landscape and seeing the many different cactus plants. As you can see i changed the shapes to triangles and added a third photo. That is the fun of sketches you can change and adapt it to make it your own.

Thank you StickitDown for this opportunity an d I encourage you to check out their sketches!

Growing in Unity