Friday, August 21, 2020

We are Back

 We are back from the stifling heat of the southwest. Temps of 115 - 117 are just so wrong:) 

I have been catching up on cleaning and other fun projects around the house but also managed to squeeze some time in for painting. 

Had fun with this little kittie.

This is called morning fog. 


Also been working on cards

I tried negative leaf painting. I am not 100% satisfied with this but now understand the process more. 

Needed a sympathy card for a friend so went monochromatic. 

I hope you had a wonderful week. Adding this to PaintpartyFriday Please stop by there and visiti the links to see many wonderful artists! 

Thank you for visiting and for your kind words! I apprecicate your feedback very much!



  1. It's all wonderful, but I'm in love with that Kitty! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Ohhh I love this cat! Your art is so expressive. Have a nice weekend.

  3. love your Kitty and the foggy trees. I find fog so hard to paint but you nailed it :)

  4. I adore your bold and beautiful cat 😍
    Other paintings are beautiful,too.
    Enjoy weekend ❤️

  5. Glad you are back to cooler temperature and found time to paint. Wonderful paintings. I specially like the kitty's face.


  6. With those numbers I would be hiding or finding cool air, to do my art or not. Happy PPF

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your paintings are FABulous.
    Did you know that you're a no reply blogger? If you could email me with your contact info, I'll have it in case you win the giveaway:)

  8. Hi Jean :)) So nice to see your art! :) That kitty is very cute, and you did a great job on your "Morning Fog"!!! I love how the colours fade away! Your sympathy card is very beautiful, well painted. :)

  9. Love the kitty and morning fog! We're just out of a heatwave here in Germany, too, and it was no fun! Happy PPF!

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Growing in Unity