Friday, November 20, 2020

It is Friday - I think

 We have made it to another Friday - at least I am pretty sure it is Friday. 

We have had an unusual stretch of a couple of warm days which is making it difficult to believe the holidays are right around the corner. 

My husband teaches an in person course at a Community College which has now gone to a virtual online class. So looks like we might be heading out west to spend the winter, sooner rather than later. That has left me with a flurry of shopping as I try to finish buying Christmas gifts for my son and his wife. We decided to celebrate Christmas with them during Thanksgiving. I also have lists of items to be packed, notifications to be made, etc. 

I did manage to complete a project for my friend. Every year, for probably 6 or 7 years,  I have created a mixed media canvas for her for Christmas. This year I changed it up and painted one. I used watercolor gouache and followed a design I saw on Pinterest. I added names to her stockings.

I also played along with a video tutorial and completed this snowman. 

He was a lot of fun. 

Adding this to PaintpartyFriday! Please visit all of the wonderful artists over there. 

As I watch the sun rise and we head up north to the cottage and visit my sister, I am thankful that we have stayed safe and healthy. I hope you are all well and hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I love your this weeks post. Really beautiful paintings.
    Happy PPF and weekend xx

  2. They're beautiful! Wishing you safe travels.

  3. Love the fireplace art- so cozy and inviting, and your snowman is adorable!! Happy PPF!

  4. Both of them would make great Christmas Cards. Happy Painting.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

  5. Nice early jump on Christmas.

    by EAGHL

  6. Very nice art this week. Be safe out there.


Growing in Unity