Friday, November 13, 2020

Seasons Changing

 Last week here in Michigan, we had 5 days of record temps over 70 degrees. This week it has been in the 40s and once made it to 50. What a difference a few days can make:) Yesterday morning we woke to a hard frost and today we have rain. 

The weather makes me feel like the holidays are indeed approaching. Here are a couple of holiday cards I made. 

I did get some photos of the frost yesterday. It was so pretty to look at. 

I hope each of you is staying healthy and safe. We are doing what we can here but the numbers in Michigan are scary. 

Adding this to PaintpartyFriday

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words. I truly appreciate them. 


  1. The temperature world wide is so confused, I much prefer the season to do what we have been used to. Nice to see those early morning frost captured beautifully and your little frosty makes are all very delightful. I hope to find my Christmas mojo soon..
    Happy PPF Tracey xx Take care x

  2. Lovely cards. The weather here is very changeable, too. Stay safe!

  3. We are having frosty mornings here too! I love your painted snowmen, they're really cute Jean! :)

  4. lol, love your snowman and the frost.
    We have an unusually warm and rainy period. Rain has been godo as I think the ground water level is now restored. But now I wish for some frost with long spikes so I can get some shots :)

  5. Jean I love your Christmas and snowy art. The weather is nuts here as well.

  6. So cute! It's freezing here (not literally; this California girl can't deal with 40° weather, lol).

  7. Adorable snowman cards, but I do not want to see frost, or snow. And I am in denial that it tis the season;) Happy PPF!

  8. Love the snowmen. They are so cute.
    Weather all over the place here too.
    Happy PPF!


Growing in Unity