Saturday, February 6, 2021

The weekend

 I kept thinking today was Sunday but, no, it is only Saturday:) 

We enjoyed a morning at the Phoenix herpetological Society. They are the largest rescue facility for reptiles in the USA. I am not a reptile lover but my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter is. She got to hold and/or pet a tortoise, bearded dragon, snake, gecko and more. I did actually touch a few of them:):)

During the week, I was able to complete a birthday card for my sister. 

I had an idea and played with lots of water and dropping color in. I scratched the paper with the end of the brush.

This is for a transportation challenge. My version of Cinderella's carriage, 

Adding this to Paintpartyfriday - although a bit late:) 

Hoping you are all safe and healthy!


  1. Sweet grand daughter ~ what a place to visit ~ glad she liked it ~ so much creativity here ~ elegant card and fun Cinderella coach ~ Happy Sunday to you ^_^

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. Very nice Cinderella carriage!! :) I love the birthday card you made too! Oh gosh, I would NEVER touch a snake lol...if you did touch that one, you are BRAVE!!! :-O Tortoises though, yes, I've touched those! :)

  3. I remember taking our son to exhibits like that- and it was I who held the reptiles and spiders first:):)
    Beautiful watercolor art- love the first card especially.

  4. I like reptiles too so I understand your granddaughter. They are different kind os animals so you can´t treet them as usual pets. :)
    I like your flowers and Cinderella's carriag.

  5. What a fun blog share! I enjoyed the photos! hugs, de

  6. Ohhh I have been there before. I love reptiles. Beautiful art too.


Growing in Unity