Thursday, January 5, 2017

Just playing

Tonight I spent some time just playing. Having faith in myself and the watercolors.

I was inspired by PCC's Magazine Monday #167

Papercrafting Challenge: Magazine Mondays - Week 167 Inspiration Piece (image)

And here is what I did in my art journal. I wanted it to have a loose feel and just played for the fun of it! I still need to work on my drawing and painting and I am often too hesitant to put my works out there. This year I want to embrace each piece - the good, the bad and the ugly.

Adding this to PaintPartyFriday where there are amazing talented painters! 

I hope you enjoy her! Thank you for visiting!


  1. I love just sitting and playing, I don't do it enough! Love your girl!

  2. your painting is utterly delightful!! Keep on playin'. Happy PPF and happy New Year!

  3. Very pretty. I love what you did with the watercolors. Just playing and having fun sooo relaxing.

  4. Oh this is sooo sooo sweet...I love how adorable and soft it is! Play is the best, no pressure and it gives way to intuition too! I'm with Linda....delightful!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. I wish I knew even how to play this good. Lovely!

  6. I like your inspired painting

    much love...


Growing in Unity