Friday, April 16, 2021

And We are Back

 Last Wednesday we started the 3 day drive back across the country and arrived home on Friday. The Michigan weather welcomed us with nice warm temps but by Monday it was in the 40s and has stayed there all week. Nothing like a shock to the system:) It wanted to remind us that we were no longer in Phoenix. 

Have caught up on cleaning and shopping and seeing our son. 

I spent one day reorganizing/purging in my art/craft room so am now ready to get to work. I need more watercolor cards and paintings for up coming sales with the art group. And, I have thousands of photos to scrap:):)

A facebook group I am in explored the theme of loose landscape this week. Here are a couple i tired. 

Watercolor is all about practice, practice, practice and letting it dry between layers:):)

Thank you for visiting me today. I hope you have a fun and healthy weekend. I appreciate your kind words. Please feel free to share and advice or criticism as well. 

Adding this to PaintpartyFriday. Please check out the wonderful blogs there!


  1. The watercolor pictures are so beautiful, you can paint with them so well!
    Happy PPF and weekend, hug Elke

  2. They are all beautiful, but the first one has enchanted me! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  3. LOVE your loose landscapes! #3 is my favorite.

  4. Lovely little watercolours, really like them.

  5. Glad you are home. These paintings are excellent. I need to try this. My painting is very tight. Have a nice evening.

  6. Absolutely DREAMY! Keep up the good work.


Growing in Unity