Friday, July 30, 2021

July is flying by!

 My goodness! This month is just flying by!!

We got a nice reprieve today with temps being in the 70s. Was perfect for getting out for a walk. I spotted a garage sale sign on the street behind ours and stopped to investigate. My grandkids are arriving Thursday for vacation and I had been looking for a stroller to borrow. Well, there was a free one at this sale! I was quite excited and we brought it home. I was able to borrow a car seat, so other than stocking up on the food requested by the 4 year old - we are ready! 

I had a friend over Tuesday to play with watercolors. We completed a couple of Andrew Geeson You tube tutorials. 

I like my version of Purple Blast. Very different than my normal style.

These were not based on any tutorials. The blue leaves have gold as well.

Saw something like this on pinterest. I used charcoal pencil on the watercolor. 

So it was a good week for art. 

Adding this post to PaintPartyFriday. Please stop by there and visit the many wonderful artists sharing their works. 

Have a wonderful and healthy weekend! Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your kind words. 


  1. Ohhh these are gorgeous. Purple Blast is stunning. Have a nice evening.

  2. Fabulous art, I especially love the purple blast. Have fun with your finds from the sale and a great time with the grandkids. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful artworks, all of them! I really like the leaves. Take care.

  4. gorgeous art Jean! I love watching Andrew Geeson paint:) Happy PPF and enjoy your time with the grandchildren.

  5. Elegant watercolors!

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Three fabulous paintings, love the purple flowers.

  7. Love your paintings. I have to do some more watercolros myself. :)
    I hope you have a great time with the grndkids. :)

  8. You had fabulous art week. The Purple Blast is gorgeous.


  9. Hi Jean! :) Oh Purple Blast is lovely!!! :)

  10. Very nice! Enjoy the time with the grandkids!


Growing in Unity