Sunday, August 7, 2016

Using the Stash

I saw PCC's Magazine  Monday inspiration and thought I had something in my stahs that I have never used and would be perfect for this!

Papercrafting Challenge: Magazine Mondays - Week 155 Inspiration Piece (image)

Sure enough m I have a small robot stamp which I have never used! Time to dust it off!

Here is my card.

I also dusted off embossing powder and silver paint!! 

Thanks Steph for helping me dust off my supplies! 


  1. That robot looks like he jump off the page! Way cool!

  2. This is a great card and the robot is perfect! BL

  3. I love this little fella! So cheery. You know there is actually a challenge blog for everything, even for dusty old rubber stamps:

  4. Oh, this is just soooo cute! BL


Growing in Unity